An installation by Rafael Prieto during 3 days of design.

The Real and Concrete delves into the philosophical implications of these scientific advancements, thinking about the traditional notions of substance and highlighting the abstract, mathematical nature of the underlying reality.

A collaboration with Rafael Prieto, St. Leo Interiors, and Sv. Michelsen Chokolade.


Rafael Prieto creates an abstract interpretation from the book The Nature of the Physical World by Sir Arthur Eddington to illustrate how our everyday experience and classical physics view “substance” as the primary constituent of reality, characterized by tangible properties like form, color, and hardness. However, there is a contrast with modern physics, which at a fundamental level, these attributes are not as straightforward as they appear.


The materials found in nature inform the shapes of chocolate branches, mounds of soil, and spices.
The installation explores the traditional notions of substance and reality and pays homage to St. Leo’s approach to the natural world and the use of minerals and organic pigments in their paint formulations.


The Real and Concrete aims to take us to an elemental journey to dismantle our perception of substance in the physical universe, prompting thought and stirring the senses.


Soil mixed with cinnamon, coffee, cardamom, and original pigments from St. Leo Interiors created a sensory environment for visitors within the space.


Rafael Prieto created three limited-edition chocolate bars.
Each bar was crafted specifically for the exhibition as a collaboration between Rafael Prieto, St. Leo Interiors, and Sv. Michelsen Chocolate.


Photos by Rafael Prieto and Elizabeth Arnby
